I’m just going to come right out and ask, are you a complainer? Not really the most comfortable thing to admit to, but it’s important that if we are, we let our pride down so we can grow from it. Jump ahead to the podcast episode here if you’re short on time!
I’m also going to throw out there that nobody likes complainers.
We as business professionals know there is nothing worse than working with and for complainers. The negativity begins to bring everyone down and it makes work that much harder. Especially if we are leaders and/or managers, then this becomes the legacy that we create. What we allow, is what will continue. We need to be role-modeling the behaviors that we expect from our teams.
Complaining naturally robs us of the joys and abundance in life. It is a prison and keeps us trapped from any sort of growth.
Complaining brings negativity into our life in more ways than just at work too. It prevents us from advancing in relationships and growth. It is a place where we become stuck and victimized! And when that happens, it is truly hard to break free.
The key from changing our habits as complainers though is by no means to disregard it or deny it. No, that is the LAST thing we should do; we have to let that pride and ego down. The key to changing and growing from it begins with choosing to own being a complainer and choosing to evolve OUT of it.
Just as everything in life is intertwined and connected, so is our mindset and emotions. If we are feeling stuck in a negative space within our minds leading us to complain and to hide behind our ego, chances are it is affecting us in other areas of our lives such as our relationships, our health, and our performance.
As most things in life require, taking ownership of our actions, our words, and our frustration guides us out of those negative feelings and leads us into a more optimistic attitude and environment. This piece is extremely important as business professionals and leaders.
Accountability, it is one of the most important characteristics we must have!
Being accountable and taking control of our actions is vital when it comes to advancing our lives and making the most of our journeys--in work and in play.
We are living the ONLY life we get to live. Being robbed of joy and abundance has got to be the last thing you want! And if you’re feeling robbed, now is the time to make some changes to your mindset for growth, clarity, and positivity.
Gain some more insight and some more details on how to grow out of being a complainer by listening to my newest episode, “DITCH the Complaining and Create More Joy and Abundance!”, on my podcast, Change by Choice, by clicking here! The podcast is on both iTunes and Podcast Addict.